Thanksgiving Garden Tips
The holidays are around the corner, and a time for reflecting on our year’s gardening harvests is on our minds at Spring Pots. So we thought we’d collect top Thanksgiving gardening tips from some premier gardening experts to get you into the grateful mood of our season. Enjoy!

Gardening Know How
Using Potted Herbs For Holiday Dishes, by Amy Grant, over at the blog Gardening Know How, encourages growing your own herbs for your Thanksgiving feast. Stating that “Bay laurel, chives, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, sage, and thyme are all sun worshipers that prefer well-draining soil and can survive on relatively small amounts of water.” Amy also recommends in her post the best containers to grow in, which she recommends to “Plant your container herbs in well-draining potting medium” which is PERFECT advice since our Spring Pot fabric pots allow water to drain freely and aerate the roots! Besides, what better way to dress your Thanksgiving Turkey than to pull a sprig of thyme directly from your kitchen garden window. Talk about a picture perfect dinner dressing for the holiday.

Sunset magazine
3 Tips for Thanksgiving Flower Arrangements, by johnsone2013, over at Sunset magazine with a suggestion tip from Daniel at Dry Creek Valley, “My favorite thing to do is just walk the farm, cutting the plants in our meadow, hedgerows, and wild edges as well as from the garden beds and orchard.” Daniel also recommends thinking ahead with your garden planning “cultivate unusual varieties that aren’t often available at the cut flower markets, things like oak leaf, hydrangea, clematis, unusual viburnums, and hellebores.” We can imagine what a beautiful arrangement these all would make on your Thanksgiving dining room table!

West Coast Gardens
Pansies for Thanksgiving, by Jason VanderMey, at West Coast Gardens says that “Pansies are a lot more forgiving. New and improved varieties have sprung forth that can endure cold, wet and dark winter months and still bloom beautifully.” Jason adds “The best part about pansies is that they love finding homes in pots and containers, so it’s easy to surround your doorstep or patio with these colorful bloomers to welcome everyone to your home.” So get your Spring Pots out and get to planting those Thanksgiving pansies for a colorful welcome to holiday guests!

With all the wonderful gardening tips and tricks out there, your forward-thinking Thanksgiving gardening is sure to please both taste buds and tables no matter where your garden grows!
And as part of our Spring Pot family, we would like to express our gratitude to all our extended gardening family during this holiday time of year. Thank you for being a part of our lives and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!